Tag Archive | bad-ass chicks

4.26: (Captain) America, Fuck Yeah!

My kiddo and I went to see Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier this evening. (We weren’t supposed to be there; we were supposed to be at the Moontower Comedy Festival, courtesy of the kid’s gig with the Radio Club at her school, except this stoner/Radio Club exec NATE was supposed to get us the […]

Beryl Burton’s 28-Year Record

Beryl Burton was a cycling sensation and one of the greatest British athletes. As the queen of the time trial and the road race, she held a ridiculous number of records for years in multiple cycling distances; she set 50 new records for British women, one of which still stands (her 12-hour record). It took […]

1.28.1873: Birth of a Bad Ass

Today in 1873, the French writer Colette was born. Her greatest claim to fame is the novel Gigi, which was made into 2 films, 1 musical (which didn’t do so hot), and 1 play, which served as a springboard to success for an undiscovered Audrey Hepburn. Colette led quite the baller lifestyle, writing, acting, singing, […]