Tag Archive | bike to work day

Day 15 of NBM: Rainy Day Swag

It was a super-rainy Bike to Work Day today, so I didn’t get the kind of massive haul that’ I’ve gotten the last two years (2013 and 2014). I stopped at only 3 of the 10 stations I’d planned on, because I feel the need to go much slower in the rain and slowly hitting […]

Day 16: Whole30 (Bike to Work Day!)

Today was Bike to Work Day in Austin. It’s the bicycle commuter’s holiday! All bets and diets are off! Do you know how many KIND bars you have to eat before you never want to see another one in your life? 4. The answer is 4.

17 Kinds of Loot from Bike To Work Day

Bike to Work Day! It’s like a holiday for bike commuters. So much goodness being handed out by so many kindly organizations! My commute is usually around 4 miles but I did 10 this morning, hitting up 7 stations: The city’s Cycle Track Dedication (new cycle track on Barton Springs Road) City Hall (where I […]