Archive | April 2014

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4.26: (Captain) America, Fuck Yeah!

My kiddo and I went to see Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier this evening. (We weren’t supposed to be there; we were supposed to be at the Moontower Comedy Festival, courtesy of the kid’s gig with the Radio Club at her school, except this stoner/Radio Club exec NATE was supposed to get us the […]

4.25: National Poem in Your Pocket Day

Today was Poem in Your Pocket Day, and here’s the poem  my daughter was carrying around with her: The trees along this city street, Save for the traffic and the trains, Would make a sound as thin and sweet As trees in country lanes. —From City Trees Huh. OK. When I thought of what I’d […]

4.24: B. Streisand’s Bday

In honor of Barbra Streisand’s birthday, and in honor of my daughter (who named me and Barb as the two greatest influences in her life on a poster in 6th grade), here’s my daughter’s favorite Streisand number. (She dismisses all non-musical Streisand productions as “garbage” with the full confidence of a 14-year-old musical theater geek.) […]

4.22: Selfless Sportsmanship at the Boston Marathon

I just read this article about how Ryan Hall worked with the other American runners on the fly to help Meb win yesterday at Boston: “American Strong: The Untold Story of American Teamwork and How Ryan Hall Helped Meb Keflezighi Win Boston.” Now, we know that in a bicycle race such as the Tour de […]

4.21: Boston Marathon Survivors

Well, this article puts plantar fasciitis in perspective: From Marathon calamity, newlyweds’ bond deepens. Its the story of a newlywed couple who went out on the course of the Boston Marathon last year just to cheer folks on, and between them lost three legs in the bombing. Today the Boston Marathon took place again; Meb […]

20 Commandments

So, God is on Twitter, and here’s what God tweeted today: God ‏@TheTweetOfGod THE NEW 10 COMMANDMENTS 1 Laugh. 2 Read. 3 Say please. 4 Floss. 5 Doubt. 6 Exercise. 7 Learn. 8 Don’t hate. 9 Cut the bullshit. 10 Chill. An excellent list! I like this very much, and decided to create a supplementary list […]

Here’s the 4-11

Mary J. Blige ain’t having that.

10-Point Analysis of Babies vs. Tattoos

Oh my, over at The Ugly Volvo is just the most wonderful point-by-point comparison of getting a baby versus a tattoo, which uses as a framework the top 10 (usually unsolicited) pieces of advice people give you about getting a tattoo. You need to go read this right now: “10 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD NEVER, […]

9″ of Bowie

“I’m Afraid of Americans” is a song David Bowie wrote with Brian Eno that is about Bowie’s horror at American culture taking over the world. His apprehension doesn’t stem specifically from the qualities of American culture so much as from the concept of homogenization—really, this song could have been applied to England during its empire […]

The 8 Sins of Bull Durham

1. Lollygaging the ball around the infield. 2. Lollygaging your way down to first. 3. Lollygaging in and out of the dugout. 4. You know what that makes you? A lollygagger! 5. Thinking: don’t think; it can only hurt the ball club. 6. Announcing your presence with authority! 7. Striking everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! […]