Tag Archive | running

5.31: Running with the Apostle of Hustle

Went out for a run at 8:30 tonight; it was still 87 degrees but a nice breeze was up. I decided to run to an album, something I don’t usually do. Most of these tracks aren’t necessarily the kind of high energy tracks I run to, but the goal was to run easy anyway, so […]

.07 Blood Alcohol = Better Recovery for Women Runners

A study designed for Runner’s World found that women ran 22% longer the morning after drinking beer. Granted, the study group was only 5 women, so not super valid. But, as the author notes: Turns out the research on alcohol and exercise is as herky-jerky as our culture’s attitude toward the bottle. Most early studies […]

31 Ways To Pray

Breathe deep and pay attention: feel the air enter your lungs. Remember to say thank you when you see the hills on the horizon, the river flowing to meet them. Plant a tree. Kiss your dog’s head. Go smell some vanilla. On your birthday, donate your age in dollars to improve someone else’s life. Light […]

20: 1989

When I was 20, I was a sophomore in college. I led a vice-ridden lifestyle (including but not limited to cheap vodka and Alfano’s 2AM pizza), and so gained not only the Freshman Fifteen, but the Sophomore Extra Six Or Seven, Maybe Twelve. Arriving back on campus from spring break, the day was warm enough […]