Tag Archive | 29

3.29: Carsickness

I was in a 90-minute ride today in the back seat of a car, and got carsick. I didn’t used to get carsick, but many processes/pieces in my body began breaking down once I passed 40, and my inner ear has started to go. This makes me really sad, because I can’t do crazy rides […]

29 Recreational Wheeled Vehicles, by Sexiness

So now you know. Courtesy of the always delightful Hairpin. 29. Segway————>Clearly 28. Roller blades 27. Roller skates 26. Scooter 25. Unicycle 24. Motorized bicycle——–>Just barely better than a Segway, really. What are you doing? Just pedal. 23. Small police dolly 22. ATV 21. Minivan 20. RV 19. Tricycle—–> as noted, I’d rank this one […]

10.29: Blastoff!

On this day in 1998, John Glenn returned to space, almost 40 years after he became the American to orbit Earth. (The first person to do this was Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, whose copper plate photogravure I have displayed in my bookcase. It was given to me by a Liberian named Francis. Good times.)  On […]

Here’s Hoping I Don’t Hit 29

So, I’ve been doing lots of fitness work this year: I trained for and ran a half-marathon, then a speedy (for me) 10K, kicked off the triathlon season, and went on my longest bike ride ever. I’m feeling fairly fit for being a middle-ager. However, I’ve also experienced a huge upswing in my work responsibilities […]

4.29: The Day I Got the Sad News about AV Club

So, I’ve just got the news that some of my very favorite writers are leaving A.V. Club: Nathan Rabin, Tasha Robinson, and Genevieve Koski. They’re joining Scott Tobias and Keith Phipps, who already left, on a new venture to be named later. My only consolation is that Sean O’Neal remains to write Newswire pieces. I’ve spent […]

3.29: A Day to Celebrate Christopher Lambert

Mandatory Music: you must test your might while reading this post. Go on, press the button. Today is French actor Christopher Lambert’s birthday. He’s been going strong since 1957, but for me the highlight of his career is his depiction of Lord Raiden, the thunder god, in the movie version of Mortal Kombat. Mortal Kombat is […]

Here, Have $29


The moon was just as bright tonight as last night’s full moon, glowing like it had nothing else to do. Technically, though, it’s only 97% full, waning gibbous (gibbous means greater than half but not quite full). The average lunar cycle is 29.53 days, although the moon needs only 27.3 days to orbit Earth. The […]