Tag Archive | 1

Day 1 of National Bike Month: Mark Ronson

Hey, it’s National Bike Month! I haven’t been riding much in months, because I’m not training this year (in a semi-voluntary vacation from triathlon) and my dog & daughter are both rather demanding in terms of transportation this year. (I once let my dog drive herself to the vet, but that didn’t end well.) So, […]

1 Word

Hungover* *Now I remember why I don’t drink.

Day 1: Whole30 (The Quest for Chill)

So, starting today I’m doing another Whole30 program, a rigorous, comprehensive diet challenge. This plan dares you to eat super-duper healthy for 30 days, eschewing processed foods, all artificial ingredients, all sweeteners, grains, dairy, legumes, alcohol, and caffeine. I really, truly love how I feel when I’m following this plan, although it does present difficulty […]

Apr1l F1sh

We Americans can only wish to have as cool a holiday as France’s April Fish. On April 1st, the more whimsical and mischeivous French will tape a paper fish to a person’s back as a prank. When I first heard of this tradition, I assumed the paper version was a contemporary downgrade from attaching ACTUAL […]

1st Actual Jade Rabbit in the Moon

Today China launched a rocket to the moon hauling a lunar rover named the Jade Rabbit (or Yutu). East Asian cultures have a variety of tales about a jade rabbit who lives in the moon. The Chinese celebrate the story of the jade rabbit at the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival. As the full moon rises in […]

Eleven 1sts

Mandatory Music: enjoy this classic Foreigner song while you read. Go on, press the button: For the 1st day of the 11th month, here are 11 firsts in my life. 1. First kid = best kid 2. First kiss = Nick Hencey in 8th grade during a showing of the Christopher Reeve movie Monsignor. Assessment of […]

A 1-2 Punch of Sleep

Such great training things I had planned for this weekend, the 1st and 2nd! I had a 1500 meter swim planned plus an 80-minute brick (60 bike, 20 run). Getting ready for the Marble Falls Triathlon, you see, which is nigh-on Olympic length. And instead of doing either of those, I slept. A lot. Saturday […]

#1 Goal for May

SLEEP. Get to bed by 9:30 every night! Or whenever possible! Except yesterday I decided to commit to the 30-Day Squat Challenge and here it is 9:24 and have yet to do my 30 squats. DAMMIT. OK, squats then bed. And now, here’s a dog wearing a tie.

Well, You Just Have the 1

I read the most wonderful rant on the PaleoPlan blog about body image, and what it takes to achieve your ideal body image, and why you need to take your genetic predisposition into account. As someone with the build of an Irish bar maid (wide shouldered and big hipped), I know I’ll always be at […]

3.1.1917: Robert Lowell

On this day in 1917 Robert Lowell was born, so here’s a sample of his work, chosen specifically because I too am falling asleep right now. Falling Asleep Over The Aeneid An old man in Concord forgets to go to morning service. He falls asleep, while reading Vergil, and dreams that he is Aeneas at […]