Archive | October 2013

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Day 31: Looking Back on the Whole 30

I’ve just completed my most successful Whole 30 yet–only 2 small slips in 30 days. That’s no alcohol, no grains, no dairy, no soy, no added sugar (in any form), no alcohol, no caffeine. Both my slips were, of course, sugar-related. I’m insanely proud of myself, because I flamed out in spectacular fashion on previous […]

30 Days: Victory Over Caffeine

As of October 30, I have gone 30 days without caffeine. Victory is mine! I’ve replaced any form of liquid caffeine with herbal teas, and haven’t done anything athletic in October that would require downing a caffeinated gel. To celebrate, I had a cup of decaf from 7-11, which I assume has some residual caffeine […]

10.29: Blastoff!

On this day in 1998, John Glenn returned to space, almost 40 years after he became the American to orbit Earth. (The first person to do this was Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, whose copper plate photogravure I have displayed in my bookcase. It was given to me by a Liberian named Francis. Good times.)  On […]